Exploring Metro Parks on pet-friendly trails

Do you love Metro Parks but miss leaving your furry companion at home? Well, do we have great news for you! Did you know that every Metro Park offers at least one pet-friendly trail or activity? With over 60 trails spanning more than 169 miles, ranging from easy strolls to moderate hikes, our 20 stunning parks offer leashed-pet access, ensuring that you and your four-legged friends can explore nature together like never before.

Whether you’ve got a dog waiting to unleash their zoomies or a curious cat – seriously, our trails aren’t just for dogs – our Metro Parks team have worked diligently to provide pet-friendly amenities across our park system.

While we’re on the topic of pets, it’s a great opportunity to remind you that Metro Parks are committed to inclusivity and we welcome service animals on all of our trails, buildings, and parks, regardless of ‘pet’ designation. Everyone should have the opportunity to enjoy the wonders of nature, and service animals play an essential role in making that possible.

In addition to pet-friendly trails, 6 of our parks feature fenced-in dog parks while 2 offer dog-swimming areas ensuring ample opportunity for your pup to run, swim, or sniff to their hearts’ content.

Friends of Metro Parks wants to make it easy for you and your fluffy friends to hit a trail and enjoy the incredible greenspaces not far from your front door. 

Below, we’ve compiled a handy list of every park offering pet-friendly amenities. To make your next Metro Park visit as simple as possible, we’ve also included pet-friendly trails, length, type of trail (some of us like paved paths while some of us want a little dirt and grass under our feet!), and the level of difficulty.

In addition to our pet-friendly amenities, we're excited to highlight upcoming events that are perfect for pet-lovers – follow @cbusmetroparks and @metroparkfriend for more event-specific details!

Yappy Hour

Join us for Yappy Hour, where you and your canine companion can mingle while enjoying refreshments and activities. It's the perfect opportunity to socialize, make new friends, and create lasting memories with your furry friend. Our next Yappy Hour is Friday, June 7, 2024.

Wag Fest

Don't miss WAG Fest, our annual celebration of all things furry and fun. From doggy fashion shows to pet-friendly vendors, WAG Fest offers a day of excitement and entertainment for pets and their humans alike. Don’t forget to mark your calendars and get ready for a tail-waggin’ good time! Will we see you at our next Wag Fest on Saturday, August 24, 2024?

Barktober Fest

Are you and your dog Halloween lovers? Then tails are going to be wagging for Barktober Fest. You and your fluffy friend can expect a doggy costume parade, treats, vendors and more. Join us on Thursday, October 17, 2024!

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your leash, pack some treats, and head out to Metro Parks for an outdoor adventure with your pets. We can't wait to see you and your furry companions enjoying all that our parks have to offer – and if you snap some pictures, be sure to tag @metroparkfriend or use #metroparkfriends so we can share in your good times!

Pet-friendly Trails

The following parks offer dog parks:

And these parks are equipped with dog swimming areas: